World Cancer Day-2024: Date, history, theme, significance, signs and symptoms

Dr.Santosh Kumar Sain

Every year, on February 4th, we observe World Cancer Day. There's a concerning prediction that the number of cancer cases in India is expected to reach an alarming 2 million by the year 2040.

World Cancer Day-2024: Date, history, theme, significance, signs and symptoms

Cancer: A Growing Global Health Concern

Cancer, the second leading cause of death worldwide, has become a major health concern over the past decades. It is often a silent killer, progressing undetected in its early stages before manifesting noticeable symptoms.

The Importance of Early Detection

Recognizing cancer early is crucial for survival as the disease tends to spread insidiously. Early detection is the key to effectively combating this deadly threat.

Rising Cancer Cases in India

India is not immune to the upward trend of this deadly disease. According to the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN), there were 19.3 million incident cancer cases worldwide in 2020. Disturbingly, the prediction for India indicates a significant increase to 2 million cases by 2040, marking a rise of 57.5% from 2020.

Alarming Statistics from the National Cancer Registry Programme

The National Cancer Registry Programme reveals that one in nine individuals is likely to develop cancer in their lifetime. This emphasizes the pressing need for awareness, prevention, and early intervention.

Leading Cancer Sites in Males and Females

Lung and breast cancers take the lead as the most prevalent sites of cancer in males and females, respectively. Understanding these patterns helps in directing resources and efforts towards effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Childhood Cancer: Lymphoid Leukaemia

Even among children, cancer poses a significant threat. Lymphoid leukaemia emerges as the most common childhood cancer, highlighting the need for specialized attention and research in this area.

World Cancer Day-Date of Commemoration

World Cancer Day, a significant international awareness day, is orchestrated by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and is observed annually on February 4.

Understanding Cancer

Cancer, characterized by uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth in the body, leads to the formation of lumps or tumours in most cases. These growths, if left untreated, have the potential to expand and spread to other parts of the body, impacting various bodily functions.

The Urgency of Awareness and Action

World Cancer Day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the causes, symptoms, and prevention of cancer. It emphasizes the importance of early detection and intervention in combating this pervasive health challenge. Through global collaboration and education, the day aims to empower individuals and communities to take proactive measures against cancer.

World Cancer Day's Historical Journey

The history of World Cancer Day dates back to its inaugural celebration on February 4, 2000, during the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium held in Paris. It was during this significant event that the foundations of this global awareness day were laid.

The Paris Charter's Noble Mission

The driving force behind World Cancer Day is encapsulated in the Paris Charter, emerging from the summit. This charter outlines a noble mission, aiming to promote research, prevent cancer, enhance patient services, raise awareness, and mobilize the global community to collectively combat cancer. It was within this charter that the adoption of World Cancer Day found its place, marking a pivotal moment in the ongoing fight against this formidable disease.

The theme of World Cancer Day

According to Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the World Health Organization's Regional Director for Africa, the overarching focus of World Cancer Day from 2022 to 2024 is to "Close the cancer gap." This three-year campaign has been dedicated to addressing and bridging the disparities in cancer prevention and care.

 "Together, we challenge those in power"

As we enter the final year of this impactful campaign, the theme for this year resonates with a powerful message - 'Together, we challenge those in power.' Dr. Moeti emphasizes that this theme encapsulates a global call to action, urging leaders worldwide to prioritize and invest in cancer prevention and care.

The goal is to inspire decisive action, moving towards a more equitable and cancer-free world. Dr. Moeti's message for World Cancer Day echoes the collective demand for justice and intensified efforts to combat cancer on a global scale.

Types and Risk Factors of Cancer- Diverse Cancer Types

World Cancer Day prompts us to understand the diverse forms this formidable disease can take. Carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma or myeloma, and Leukaemia, as well as brain and spinal cord cancers, stand out as common types that impact individuals worldwide.

Factors Influencing Cancer

Cancers can be triggered by a combination of modifiable and non-modifiable factors. Lifestyle choices play a pivotal role, with excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, unhealthy eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle being notable contributors.

Genetic Predisposition

Some individuals carry a genetic predisposition to cancer, elevating their susceptibility to the disease. This genetic aspect places them at a higher risk, underscoring the importance of personalized awareness and preventive measures.

Immunodeficiency and Environmental Factors

People with compromised immune systems find themselves more vulnerable to cancer. Additionally, exposure to manmade sources of radiation, such as x-rays and gamma rays, can contribute to the onset of cancer, highlighting the environmental factors that come into play.

Infections as Culprits

Certain infections emerge as potential instigators of cancer, attributing to approximately 2.2 million cancer deaths annually. This underscores the need for comprehensive preventive measures, awareness, and medical interventions to combat the impact of infections on the global cancer burden.


Q: What are common types of cancer?

Ans: Carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma, myeloma, leukaemia, and brain/spinal cord cancers are common types.

Q: What factors contribute to cancer?

Ans: Lifestyle choices like excessive alcohol, obesity, poor diet, and lack of physical activity, as well as genetic predisposition and compromised immunity.

Q: Can genetics increase cancer risk?

Ans: Yes, some individuals are genetically predisposed, making them more susceptible to cancer.

Q: How does a weakened immune system impact cancer risk?

Ans: People with low immunity face a higher risk of developing cancer.

Q: Can environmental factors cause cancer?

Ans: Yes, exposure to manmade radiation and certain infections are environmental factors contributing to cancer.

Q: How many cancer deaths are attributed to infections annually?

Ans: Approximately 2.2 million cancer deaths each year are linked to infections.

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